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Thai charity lunch supports local foodbank one meal at a time

Each month, Koragod Benedicenti shares her Thai heritage – and altruistic nature – in the form of a homemade meal with her co-workers at the J.D. Irving, Limited IT office in Fredericton, NB.

A Testing Lead with JDI IT, Benedicenti began working for the company in September 2023. After learning that the Fredericton team raises funds throughout the year for Greener Village, a local food bank, Benedicenti decided she wanted to participate in her own way.

“I like cooking. It’s something that I love to do to relax,” Benedicenti said. “So why not start something the office can enjoy and that also contributes to Greener Village?”

IMG_1652.JPGFor the past four months, Benedicenti has been cooking Thai lunches for her co-workers, an endeavour that started biweekly and then shifted to monthly as the number of participants grew. Half of the proceeds from each meal is donated, and Benedicenti also raises funds through selling her caramel custard cakes that are made to order.

As someone who immigrated to Canada from Thailand 26 years ago, the lunches Benedicenti prepares are always Thai cuisine, giving her the opportunity to share her cultural background with her colleagues. The meals are a real labour of love. Benedicenti spends an hour or two preparing the food the night before, then wakes up early the day-of to cook before heading into work.

For Benedicenti, it’s all worth it. Since starting her Thai charity lunches, she’s raised $550 for Greener Village. The project has also helped build camaraderie in the Fredericton office, providing a chance for coworkers to gather around a table in the office kitchen to share a meal and conversation.

“Food is the language of friendship,” Benedicenti said. “When you eat together, that’s when you bond.”

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