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Annual Environmental Training for JDI Foresters and Contractors - 800 Hours to a Team of Over 200

Every year in the spring and summer, JDI Chief Naturalist Kelly Honeyman and JDI Fish & Wildlife Manager John Gilbert team up to coordinate over 800 hours of training to over 200 contractors and foresters in the regions where JDI operates. The environmental training includes:

• Rare Plant Habitat Identification and Training 
• Stick Nest Identification and Protection Policy 
• Operating near watercourses, including vernal pools and wetlands 
• Unique Areas Program 
• Review of Species of Concern Guide 
• Review of Forest Certification Process and Successes

JDI’s biodiversity strategy encompasses research, training, and the application of technology to ensure that our forestry operations meet our biodiversity objectives. JDI’s international award-winning Unique Areas Conservation Program has grown from 29 sites in the 1980’s to 1,454 sites in 2018.

These sites include:

• Birds & Mammals  
• Fish  
• Lakes & Wetlands  
• Unique Forest Stands  
• Old Growth & Conservation Forests  
• Plants  
• Historic Sites  
• Geological & Fossil Sites  
• Reptiles & Invertebrates 

Together, these sites make up 187,376 acres of preserved landscape.

Interested in learning more about our voluntary Unique Areas Program? Visit our website: 

JDI's Environmental Training Program teaches woodlands staff and contractors to identify species of concern in New Brunswick as well as stick nests for raptors (birds of prey) and then take the necessary steps to retain and manage the natal or nesting habitat. Here are some of the species included in the biodiversity training: 






Yellow Spotted Salamander




Wood Turtle




Great Horned Owl




Cooper's Hawk