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Diverse Forests Mean Diverse Wildlife


Connect with nature, explore the great outdoors and meet some wildlife friends while you’re at it. With over 1,600 award winning conservation sites, we take pride in providing a healthy environment and clean water for the plants and animals that live in the forests we manage. We continue to collaborate with world-class scientists and environmental groups to study deer, songbirds, salmon and moose so we can better understand their habitat.

 Wildlife Day - Moose


In the 1980’s, we introduced the Unique Areas program, a voluntary program that designates areas of importance to wildlife, history or aesthetics for conservation. In addition to caring for wildlife habitat on the lands that we own and manage; we have been part of research programs that impact our forests and wildlife for many years. We have partnered with many groups and institutions in both Canada and the USA to ensure sustainable habitats across our regions. Our recent research project, looking at the impact of climate change on the New Brunswick moose populations has included many scientists and grad students as well as Dr. Michelle Oakley, from the National Geographic's Yukon Vet.  The project was recently featured on CBC's The National [ ]

We know having a diverse forest is better for everyone – especially those who live in it; and that the best way to measure a healthy forest is by having a healthy wildlife population.


 Wildlife Day - Deer


As we celebrate National Wildlife Week, we thought we'd share the recipe for some of the homemade bird feeders we've placed at the Irving Nature Park.

 Wildlife Day - Bird Feeder


Here are the steps:

  1. Find a large pine cone
  2. Cover the pine cone with peanut butter
  3. Roll the pine cone in bird seed
  4. Tie string around the top of the pine cone and hang the cone on a tree.



Enjoy the outdoors and #DoMoreForWildlife!

 Wildlife Day - Bird


Visit our research page to learn more: