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Happy World Ocean's Day!

We're celebrating World Ocean's Day with research, awards and careers!

Funding Ocean's Research

The Marine Environmental Observation Prediction and Response (MEOPAR) network and Irving Shipbuilding Inc. awarded $1.8 million to support nine ocean research projects that align with MEOPAR’s aim to strengthen Canada’s ability to anticipate and respond to marine risk. Irving Shipbuilding Inc. partnered with MEOPAR to contribute $1 million toward the call.

The research explores coastal erosion, ocean plastics, understanding social and environmental factors in Canada’s North and taking a closer look at phytoplankton, the base of the food chain. 

For one of the projects, Irving Shipbuilding and the Marine Environmental Observation Prediction & Response Network (MEOPAR) are providing $305,000 in support of a University of Calgary research project on marine environmental observation, prediction, and response plans for Canada’s Arctic.

In partnership with the Arctic Research Foundation, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, and groups such as the Ekaluktutiak Hunters and Trappers Organization, Dr. Brent Else and his team at the University of Calgary will work with community members from Cambridge Bay, Nunavut to study the vulnerability of marine ecosystems to external pressures from industry, oil spills, ocean acidification and other impacts.

Watch the researchers introduce their work on the nine research projects or read the full list below:

 • Prioritizing Threat Management Strategies to Ensure Long-term Resilience of the Fraser River Estuary   Julia Baum, University of Victoria   

• Assisting Fisheries Management by Integration of Data from Non-Specialized Assets, Ferries, Citizens & Satellites   Maycira Costa, University of Victoria   

• Arctic Marine Activities Integration & Synthesis Project (AMAIS): Enhancing Ocean Governance Through the Northern Marine Transportation Corridors   Jackie Dawson, University of Ottawa   

• Observing and Responding to Pressures on Arctic Marine Ecosystem Services   Brent Else, University of Calgary

• Testing New, Innovative & Affordable Technologies for Monitoring & Visualizing the Impacts of Sea Level Rise, Erosion & Storm Surges on Coast Environments   Adam Fenech, University of Prince Edward Island    

• Ocean Observation using Microbial Genomics: A new Baseline tool for Environmental Effects Monitoring of Marine Pollution   Casey Hubert, University of Calgary   

• Continuous Assessment of Plankton Abundance and Community Structure in Canadian Coastal Waters with a Novel, Flow-Through, High-Throughput Holographic Microscope Operated on Volunteer Observing Ships   Julie Laroche, Dalhousie University   

• Monitoring Marine Plastics in Canada’s North   Max Liboiron, Memorial University of Newfoundland   

• Safer Shipping through Summer Sea Ice:  New Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Based Tools for Monitoring and Predicting Sea Ice Conditions   Randy Scharien, University of Victoria  


JDI is proud to be part of CAST; a partnership of scientists, environmental groups and industry participants. Our focus is saving wild Atlantic salmon before it’s too late. Today we are working on four science projects on the Miramichi river. Our hope is that CAST will serve as a positive partnership model for Eastern Canada’s wild Atlantic salmon rivers.

ARIS Sonar Population Tracking 

How many adult salmon are returning to the Southwest, Little Southwest and Northwest Miramichi?

Find Out Here!

Thermal and LiDAR Imaging to Map Habits Accurately

Where are the cool pools located? Finding ideal habitats for wild Atlantic salmon.

Find Out Here!

Adult Salmon Release Program 

How can we give wild Atlantic salmon smolts a head start?

Find Out Here!

Population Modelling and a Common Hone for All Salmon Data

How are we using data to respond quickly to changing environments for wild Atlantic salmon? 

Find Out Here!

Turning the Tide 

Our Atlantic Towing team received the prestigious Turning the Tide Marine Industry Award, honouring excellence and leadership in the marine industry.

Careers at Sea

In the next three years (2018-2020) Atlantic Towing forecasts welcoming over 170 to the team, including over 100 students jobs. We are fortunate to work with great partners at the Nova Scotia Community College and the Marine Institute in Newfoundland & Labrador.  



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