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Kedgwick - Community Spirit Grows Here


Camp Canak is a special care camp located in Kedgwick, New Brunswick that closed 10 years ago. In 2019 a campaign was started to reopen the camp and provide finances to get the camp up and running again. JDI's Sawmill Division provided $60,000 that was put toward building materials and furniture. A big thank you to the talented students at the students at the Edmundston campus of CCNB who built the tables from the lumber donated from our sawmill team.



Students at école Marie-Gaétane in Kedgwick, New Brunswick have been 3 years without a playground at school. This year, the Sawmill Division donated $15,000 toward the purchase and installation of a new play structure for the school. Although the structure was installed late in the last school year, COVID shutdown regulations closed all parks across the province, preventing students from playing in their new playground until school started in September.



Kedgwick is home to many of our employees who work at the local sawmill.  Working with partners who are so passionate about making communities better is something we are pleased to do!