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KENT First Job, to Growing Career

A first job with KENT can be  your next step to a rewarding career.  At KENT, 93 of the people on our management team of 142 started in an entry level role with Kent or an affiliate J.D. Irving company. That’s 65% of our leadership team promoted from within!   Many more have progressed into critical specialist and professional roles with training investments from the company.  Watch the journey:





“We have the opportunity to meet and work with many talented people who first join our company as associates in our stores, as sales people on our desks and as drivers of our delivery vehicles.  These first introductions can be stepping stones to  a rewarding long-term career journey.  Today we are investing in many team members who are progressing to new opportunities within our group as well as our sister companies at J.D. Irving, Limited.  We hope their stories inspire others to do the same – join one, grow with many!”