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NBM Railways observes Rail Safety Week

NBM Railways is recognizing the 20th anniversary of Rail Safety Week by partnering with the Town of Grand Bay-Westfield and Operation Lifesaver to promote rail safety. Promotion activities will include installing Look. Listen. Live. decals on the pavement at the Epworth Park Road crossing as well as signage at four locations throughout the community: Brittain Road, Ferry Road, Pamdenec Road and Station Street. DSC_9300 (1).JPG

Caption: Emma Green, Brad Peters, Christian Belliveau and Ian Simpson from NBM Railways, Mayor Brittany Merrifield, Town of Grand Bay-Westfield Councillor Keri Burpee, Town of Grand Bay-Westfield, Councillor Stephanie McIntosh Lawrence, Town of Grand Bay-Westfield, Bruce Gault, Public Works Commissioner, Town of Grand Bay-Westfield and
 Christopher Crabbe, Public Works Superintendent, Town of Grand Bay-Westfield 

“Rail safety is something that our team at NBM Railways are proud to practice every day. We're working hard to ensure people stay off the tracks, adhere to signs and signals and stay alert. We live and work here and want to ensure our neighbours are safe,” says Ian Simpson, General Manager of NBM Railways. “We have a strong relationship with Operation Lifesaver and are happy to see them partner with the Town of Grand Bay-Westfield.”

This year, the team set up at a rail crossing location in Grand Bay area where they handed out information and reminded drivers to be aware of the tracks. A few of the messages they were sharing:

  • Respect lowered gates and flashing lights at crossings – it’s illegal to drive around them and doing so puts you at risk. 
  • Never race a train to get across the track.
  • Don’t believe your eyes. Many experience an optical illusion while watching a locomotive approach. The train is closer and moving faster than you think!
  • Pay special attention when crossing more than one set of tracks. Trains could be coming from either direction. 



About Operation Lifesaver Look. Listen. Live. Community Safety Partnership Program

In 2018, Operation Lifesaver partnered with HUB Surface Systems to launch the Look. Listen. Live. Community Safety Partnership Program. The Program encourages municipalities to work to prevent railway crossing incidents by installing Look.Listen.Live. decals on the pavement, as well as signage, near select crossings in their communities.

To learn more about Operation Lifesaver, visit