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Statement from Kevin McCoy, President of Irving Shipbuilding

Irving Shipbuilding  remains confident that the Canadian Government will build the complete combatant package of ships at Halifax Shipyard. The men and women of Irving Shipbuilding appreciate Prime Minister Trudeau's firm commitment to building ships in Canada, expressed when he visited the shipyard this past April.

Our undertaking is to deliver the best quality and value to Canada from the most modern shipyard in North America. To this end, we regularly review technical and cost options to help the Canadian Government identify the right solution to meet the Navy's requirements. We are focused on building ships in Halifax that are comparable in quality and cost to that offered by leading shipyards in Europe and the United States.

Hiring at Halifax Shipyard continues – in 2015 we have hired 265 people (professionals and trades) as the building of the Arctic Offshore Patrol Ships (AOPS) progresses. Over $900 million in contracts have been awarded to companies in Canada (including $278 million in Nova Scotia) in support of the construction of the new shipyard and the construction of the AOPS.  

This shipbuilding program is a generational opportunity for our country, province, employees, and suppliers. Our efforts today and for the next 25 years are focused on ensuring best value for Canada.