The Crown land that J.D. Irving, Limited (JDI) manages has unrestricted hunting access and is subject to Department of Natural Resources (DNR) licensing and hunting regulations.
JDI private land offers a variety of hunting access opportunities to the public dependent on location.
Moose Hunting
Attention moose hunters planning to hunt in 2023 on Miramichi Timber Holdings Lands managed by J.D. Irving, Limited. Please visit to apply.

Please Assist Us
Be Alert! The land and roads you travel through are part of a working forest.
Yield to logging trucks and equipment and obey all signage.
During hunting season please respect the "no hunting" exclusion zone around active operations.
Be Fire Safe! No open fires on JDI private land. Be aware of the DNR Forest Fire Danger Index.
To report a fire, contact: 911 or the Department of Natural Resources office nearest you.
Be A Good Sportsman / Sportswoman! Respect fish and game harvest regulations. Do not litter - "carry out" what you "carried in".