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JDI celebrates six new Certified Chartered Professional Accountants

Congratulations to six of J.D.Irving, Limited's newest Certified Chartered Professional Accountants, who recently passed their 2022 Common Final Exam (CFE).


Riley Savoy

Chris McCracken

Sarah Gowlett

Katelyn Hartley-Brown

Erin McCarthy

Eric von Richter

Savoy, Riley2 (1).jpg

McCracken, Chris2 (1).jpg

Gowlett, Sarah2 (1).jpg

Hartley-Brown, Katie2 (1).jpg

McCarthy, Erin (1).jpg

Von Richter, Eric2 (1).jpg

The Common Final Examination is a challenging three-day exam that tests the knowledge gained by the candidates in the CPA PEP program.  Passing the Common Final Examination represents the major milestone in achieving the CPA designation and we’re very proud of what this group has achieved.

Congratulations everyone!

Interested in becoming a CPA? We are currently looking for applicants to join our program in June of 2023!

If you would like to learn more about JDI’s preapproved CPA program, please visit